Biologic marker and periimplantitis: Literature review
Department of orthodontics, faculty of dentistry, university Moahmed V, Morocco.
International Journal of Biological and Pharmaceutical Sciences Archive, 2024, 07(01), 017–033.
Article DOI: 10.53771/ijbpsa.2024.7.1.0122
Publication history:
Received on 15 November 2023; revised on 25 December 2023; accepted on 27 December 2023
Purpose: implant rehabilitation does not exclude failure risks and complications, as is the case of all treatments. Many are the way of diagnosis of implant failure, recourse to biomarkers has known lately its place in the domain of clinical research. A biomarker is a measurable characteristic that specifies a normal biological process or a pathological one. The aim of this literary review was to determine between the biomarkes and implant failure.
Material and methods: A literary research has been done on the basis of the following data : PubMed. The research has been limited to published documents in English and in French. out of 429 initially identified citations, 22 articles corresponded to our criteria of inclusion.
Results: Out of biomarkers identified in our review, Interleukin 1 is considered the most reliable factor in detecting peri implant disease. On the other hand, Interleukin 10 is considered the indicator of a healthy implant status, shows the succes of the implant and a good osteo integration. The clinical advantage of the study of these markers is based on their presence in implant sites even before clinical symptoms of inflammation, which leads to diagnosis by allowing to reveal early possible complications.
Biologic Marker; Periimplantits; Osseointegration; Implant failure; Interleukines
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