Cyberchondria and Dental practitioners: A review
Department of Periodontology, Faculty of Dental Sciences- Ramaiah University of Applied Sciences, Bangalore, Karnataka, India.
International Journal of Biological and Pharmaceutical Sciences Archive, 2022, 04(01), 021–024.
Article DOI: 10.53771/ijbpsa.2022.4.1.0073
Publication history:
Received on 01 June 2022; revised on 20 July 2022; accepted on 22 July 2022
Cyberchondria or Internet Derived Information Obstruction Treatment (IDIOT) is the unfounded escalation of concerns about common symptoms based on review of search results and literature online. Self-diagnosis based on information obtained from the Internet can be hazardous to your health. Laymen lack the necessary education and training to make accurate diagnosis, unlike dental professionals. There are also subtleties in diagnosing oral problems that only dentists and other dental professionals are aware of. The cyber platform nature is imprecise, and the information provided may vary from one website to next. Relying on forums is even worse because most of these provide with incorrect information. Even if the article or blog post appears to be legitimate, it is insufficient because in self-diagnosing, there is a risk of trivializing or exaggerating the symptoms you are experiencing due to personal bias. Those experiencing persistent or recurring symptoms, as well as excessive anxiety, can seek professional assistance.
Internet Derived Information Obstruction Treatment; Cyberchondria; Dental Professional; IDIOT syndrome; Mindful based Cognitive Therapy
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