Developing a data-driven clinical decision support system for global healthcare: A us-Nigeria collaborative project

Arome Bala Kacy Okeme 1, *, Ojamalia Priscilla Godwins 2, Abiola Aderoju Shittu 3, Dafong, Atarang Aposat 4 and Mbwas Isaac Mashor 5

1 Department of Economics (Health Economics), Bayero University Kano. Kano state, Nigeria.
2 Department of Nutrition and Health, Intervention Strategy for Nutritional Health Initiative, Abuja, Nigeria.
3 Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, University of Medical Sciences Teaching Hospital Ondo State, Nigeria.
4 Department of Surgery, Jos University Teaching Hospital Jos-Nigeria.
5 Department of Histopathology, ATBU Bauchi-Nigeria.
International Journal of Biological and Pharmaceutical Sciences Archive, 2024, 07(02), 087–105.
Article DOI: 10.53771/ijbpsa.2024.7.2.0045
Publication history: 
Received on 15 April 2024; revised on 03 June 2024; accepted on 06 June 2024
This paper reviews the development and implementation of a pioneering Clinical Decision Support System (CDSS) tailored for enhancing healthcare delivery across the United States and Nigeria. This collaborative effort aims to bridge the gap in global health disparities through innovative, data-driven solutions. We outline the project's methodology, from the design and framework of collaboration to the integration of heterogeneous data sources and the development of adaptive decision-support models. The system's pilot phase, discussed in detail, highlights the significant technological, logistical, and cultural challenges encountered, as well as the strategies employed to overcome these barriers. Initial results from the implementation demonstrate promising improvements in clinical outcomes and operational efficiencies. The paper concludes by reflecting on the lessons learned from the US-Nigeria collaboration, discussing the scalability of the system, and suggesting directions for future research to advance CDSS applications in diverse global healthcare settings. This work not only sheds light on the potential of CDSS to transform healthcare but also serves as a model for future international healthcare collaborations.


Clinical Decision Support Systems (CDSS); Healthcare Collaboration; US-Nigeria Healthcare; Data-Driven Clinical Decision
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