Effect of water hyacinth compost on the morpho-physiological parameters of Soybean (Glycine max l.)
Department of Crop science and Biotechnology, Faculty of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine Imo State University, P.M.B 2000, Owerri Imo State, Nigeria.
Research Article
International Journal of Biological and Pharmaceutical Sciences Archive, 2021, 02(01), 084–095.
Article DOI: 10.53771/ijbpsa.2021.2.1.0058
Publication history:
Received on 02 June 2021; revised on 30 July 2021; accepted on 02 August 2021
A pot experiment was conducted under rainfed condition to study the effect of water hyacinth compost on the morpho-physiological parameters of soybean (Glycine max L.) at the Teaching and Research Farm of Faculty of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine, Imo State University, Owerri. The treatments were control (T1) 100g (T2), 150g (T3) and 200g (T4) of water hyacinth compost and replicated four times. The treatments were arranged in Complete Randomized Design (CRD). The parameters measured were plant height, number of leaves, leaf area (cm2), leaf area index, relative growth rate (RGR), Net assimilation rate (NAR), shoot dry weight(g), yield and yield components (Number of pods, pods weight, 100 seed weight). The results obtained indicated that T3 significantly produced highest plant height (57.6cm) compare to control. While it was observed that T4 (200g) significantly produced the highest number of leaves (233.25), leaf area (631.80cm2), shoot dry weight (15.445g), number of pods (129.75), pod weights (25.38g) seed weight (7.23g) and yield (0.72kg/ha) relative to control and other treatment levels. Root parameters were also significantly improved by the rates of water hyacinth application compared to control. It will be worthy to note that there was no nodulation perhaps that was why the yield was poor. The results showed that soybean growth can effectively be improved with incorporation of water hyacinth into soil.
Water hyacinth; Soybean; Morpho-physiological parameters; Yield
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