Efficacy of some antibiotics and some metal complexes (Nano-formula) that could increase their effectiveness during COVID-19
Biology Department, College of Sciences, Taif University, Taif 11099, Saudi Arabia.
Research Article
International Journal of Biological and Pharmaceutical Sciences Archive, 2022, 03(01), 008–014.
Article DOI: 10.53771/ijbpsa.2022.3.1.0021
Publication history:
Received on 01 December 2021; revised on 08 January 2022; accepted on 10 January 2022
Medicinal applications of metals and their complexes are of elevating clinical importance especially during COVID-19 pandemic. Antibiotics like (Ceftriaxone "CFx"– Erythromycin"Ery") chemically complexes with different metals by using methanol and continuous stirring for 3 h and then the colored precipitates were obtained and then dried for further chemical analysis and confirming the chemical structure by TEM analysis and then measuring total antioxidant capacity of the complex and performing DPPH assay for the antibiotic drug and its different metal complexes like Se (II) , Mg(II) and Zn (II). complexes were studied and characterized based on transmission electron microscopy (TEM). Chemical data revealed that CFx and Ery have great ability to complexes with these metals and give different chemical structure. Antioxidant capacities , anti-inflammatory activities were carried out in vitro. The metal complexed with antibiotics "combination" exhibited potent antioxidant and ant inflammatory activities and suppressed oxidative stress that could adjust the pulmonary disturbances and alterations induced by pneumenia. In conclusion, Antibiotics/metal drug complexes could produce a high synergistic effects against oxidative stress and viral infection symptoms in some cases and can be considered potential ameliorative therapy against pulmonary dysfunction, which may benefit against COVID-19 pandemic.
Antibiotics; Ceftriaxone; Erythromycin; Magnesium; Selenium; Zinc; Anti-diabetic agents; Pulmonary functions; Oxidative damage
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