Inflammatory reaction - A posit to the double-edged sword
Department of Biochemistry and Forensic Science, Faculty of Science, Nigeria police Academy, Nigeria.
International Journal of Biological and Pharmaceutical Sciences Archive, 2021, 01(02), 197-209.
Article DOI: 10.30574/ijbpsa.2021.1.2.0036
Publication history:
Received on 05 April 2021; revised on 14 May 2021; accepted on 17 May 2021.
Response by inflammation is triggered by arrays of causes, which include disrupted cells, toxins, germs, and others. It underlies a wide variety of pathophysiological changes. Many aspects of inflammation as it relates to the pathology of various inflammations are very much understood. Yet the healthy roles of inflammation are widely unknown. Inflammation has a controversial role in health and its meanings are, a matter of viewpoint. It has critical roles in protecting organisms from pathogens and injurious substances likewise causing a driving variety of disease progression. On this ground the research aimed at prescribing the essential needs for effective regulations of inflammatory responses. Efficient control of the inflammatory process will avert a plethora of diseases. Articles used for this review were obtained using appropriate keywords on six electronic databases including nature, advantage, disadvantage, and immune response regarding inflammation and immunological response. Inflammation is self-perpetuating though no disease is caused by inflammation as it is not self-triggering. Additionally, the research did weigh up the merits alongside the demerit of inflammation to advocate for effective regulation of inflammation. Essentially, inflammation is a required mechanism in healthy and unhealthy status in humans hence there is a need for importunate reconsideration, exploring its therapeutic benefits.
Inflammation; Disease; Regulation; Double-edge; Self-perpetuating
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