Postpartum hemorrhage among women delivered at Tumbi Regional Referral Hospital, Coast Region, Tanzania Prevalence and Risk factors

Sylivester Wanyaseleli Mkama *

Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology St. Francis University College of Health and allied Science Ifakara, Tanzania.
International Journal of Biological and Pharmaceutical Sciences Archive, 2024, 08(02), 047–053.
Article DOI: 10.53771/ijbpsa.2024.8.2.0068
Publication history: 
Received on 15 September 2024; revised on 24 October 2024; accepted on 26 October 2024
Background: Postpartum hemorrhage (PPH) is generally defined as blood loss greater than or equal to 500mls within 24 hours after birth, while severe PPH is blood loss greater than or equal to 1000mls within 24 hours. The aim of this study is to access the prevalence, causes and risk factors associated with postpartum hemorrhage among women delivered at Tumbi Regional Referral Hospital, Coast Region, and Tanzania.


Postpartum hemorrhage; Delivery; Women Tumbi Regional Referral Hospital Coast Region; Tanzania
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