Preventive practice on communicable diseases transmission among the health workers of some selected tertiary level hospitals of Chattogram city, Bangladesh
1 Chattogram Medical College Hospital, Chattogram, Bangladesh.
2 Upazilla Health Complex, Bagha, Rajshahi, Bangladesh.
3 Department of Public Health, Northern University Bangladesh.
Research Article
International Journal of Biological and Pharmaceutical Sciences Archive, 2021, 01(02), 229–238.
Article DOI: 10.30574/ijbpsa.2021.1.2.0042
Publication history:
Received on 23 April 2021; revised on 02 June 2021; accepted on 06 June 2021
This descriptive type of cross sectional study was carried out to assess the preventive practice on communicable disease in two selected tertiary level hospital of Chittagong city with a sample size of 160. The study revealed that 70.6% of the respondents were in age groups 16-30 years with the mean age 28.92 + 4.834 years. Among the respondents 92.5% were female and rests of them 7.5% were male and most of them 90% were married and rests 10% were unmarried. It was found from the study that 78.1% had higher secondary, 20.6% had bachelor and rest of them had master level education. Among the respondents 81.9% were staff nurses and 7.5% were student nurses .All of the respondents 1.2%, 13.1%, 63.1% and 22.6% had income as BDT <10000, 10000-20000, 20001-30000 and > 30000 respectively. The study also revealed that 94.4% nurses used unsafe scissors, needle, syringes and 50% of the respondents washed hands, 28.1% used gloves, 6.9% used disposable syringe, 90.8% used sterile instruments and also 93.2% did proper disposal of waste materials respectively as preventive measure for disease spread. As infection prevention for communicable disease is important a general awareness were only the health worker should be educated by motivational and training program.
Preventive practice; Communicable diseases; Transmission; Health workers; Tertiary level hospitals; Chattogram city
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