Review of patient safety in nursing

Shikha Gupta 1, *, Veena S Chaudhary 2, Raj Kumar Sharma 3, Asha Yadav 3, Rashmi 4 and Rashmi Panday 4

1 School of Nursing, Noida International University, India.
2 Sharda School of nursing Science and Research, Sharda University, India.
3 IIMT University Meerut, India.
4 School of Allied Health Science, Noida International University, India.
International Journal of Biological and Pharmaceutical Sciences Archive, 2023, 05(02), 054–055.
Article DOI: 10.53771/ijbpsa.2023.5.2.0045
Publication history: 
Received on 15 April 2023; revised on 31 May 2023; accepted on 03 June 2023
A significant issue in public health is patient safety. Patient safety is a health issue affecting people worldwide, both in developed countries and in developing countries. It is crucial to have a variety of nursing practices, including management, education, and clinics, taking into account the significance of patient safety in terms of the effectiveness of care and patient outcomes. The review found that more work needs to be done to improve patient safety. This includes lowering the number of mistakes, falls, hospital infections, and surgical complications and improving other safety features so that all hospitals can be safer.
Patient Safety Education; Quality of Care; Nursing
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