Should bone be considered fascia: Proposal for a change in taxonomy of bone- a clinical anatomist’s view
Fascia is the accepted term to describe integrated three-dimensional connective tissues that have failed to be described in a manner agreed by recognised anatomical authorities. It is proposed that the ambiguity concerning the seeming indefinability and lack of agreement is predominantly conceptual and partially technical. A call for the deconstruction of the word and a proposal for a change in taxonomy to include bone is proposed. Should bone can be viewed as a specialty of fascia it would make redundant descriptive terms “attaches”, “origin” and “insertion”. An agreed change in the definition to include bone would provide a fecund area of research. This paper proposes fascia as the original building material (mesenchyme) of embryology and therefore the true structural matrix that facilitates cellular specialty, including bone. It is proposed that it would be beneficial, to the widest disparate groups of researchers in human sciences, to include bone as fascia based on the supposition of specialty along a spectrum. Attention to structural aspects of fascia has resulted in insufficient attention being paid to the important unified tensegrity based three-dimensional functionality and morphological states. A spectrum is used to classify something in terms of its position on a scale between two extreme points. Concerning fascia, the two points of opposition are hardness to softness along a continuum of specialisation emerging as arachnoid, blood, mucus, bone and other. It seems instructive to suggest that the issue concerning the seeming indefinability and lack of agreement is predominantly conceptual and partially technical.
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