In vitro seed propagation of endangered Dendrobium - Dendrobium lituiflorum Lindl. and D. aduncum Lindl.
Rain Forest Research Institute (Indian Council of Forestry Research and Education), Sotai, Jorhat-785010, Assam, India.
Research Article
International Journal of Biological and Pharmaceutical Sciences Archive, 2022, 03(02), 108–115.
Article DOI: 10.53771/ijbpsa.2022.3.2.0056
Publication history:
Received on 03 April 2022; revised on 13 May 2022; accepted on 16 May 2022
Genus Dendrobium of Orchidaceae prized for their floricultural excellence, that have fascinated the commercial growers all over the world and attention has paid to exploit this group. Destruction of specific habitats encourage the species vanished and need attention to conservation and restoration of rare and endangered taxa. In vitro seed propagation is the most popular multiplication technique and indispensable components of plant genetic resource management. Present observation deals with the effect of different media on In vitro seed proliferation and growth of plantlets of two endangered Dendrobium – D. lituiflorum Lindl. and D. aduncum Lindl. for large scale propagation. In D. lituiflorum, the highest germination percentage (95.48%) was recorded in MS medium supplemented with yeast extract, otherwise, in D. aduncum, 90.43 % germination was recorded in medium supplemented with potato extract. Quick proliferation of D. lituiflorum by the use of banana extract exhibited 12.5±1.77 number of shoot and 12.5±1.77 length. However, maximum number of shoots as 14.5±1.77 and length 4.84±0.58 cm. recorded in D. aduncum. After 12 weeks of culture, the medium containing 1.5 mgL-1 IBA supplemented with 0.2% banana extract showed maximum root formation (5.9±0.95) in D. lituiflorum. Otherwise, in D. aduncum, the highest number of roots7.9±1.33 per shoot was recorded the medium supplemented with 1.5mgL-1 IBA and 0.2% potato extract after 9 week of culture. In green house condition the seedlings of D. lituiflorum showed better performance in the medium containing brick chips: charcoal: coconut husk (1:1:2) and brick chips: charcoal: sphagnum moss (1:1:2) is better for D. aduncum. Seed derived propagation is very easy approach for multiplication of these species and could be successfully applied for mass multiplication intended for future conservation, and commercial aspects.
In vitro seed propagation; MS medium; Dendrobium lituiflorum; Dendrobium aduncum; mass multiplication; conservation
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